It is only when illness strikes that many of us realise the limitations of State help towards the cost of medical equipment, adaptations to residential property or aids that will make daily living that much easier.
At such times it is good to know that, while TBF cannot restore your health, we can help provide things that would not otherwise be available. The even better news is that - for most things – we do not means test. Any request will need a medical recommendation to go with a completed medical equipment form.
We can help with funding towards:
We need you to complete a Pink Form: Request for medical equipment for most aids costing over £500 or for adaptations to your property; this includes details of your income and expenditure.
For any medical/living aids likely to cost under £500 such as nebulisers, TENS machines, specialised insoles, etc, we have a Green Form which is a less detailed form and does not need details of your income and expenditure. Also request a Green Form for mobility aids such as wheelchairs or mobility scooters although these are most likely to be over £500.
In all cases, though, we need a letter from your GP, recommending that you need the equipment. Where we can only help if the state or local authority cannot, we will need to see their letter stating this as well.
Our resources do not stretch to offering help with costs associated with dentistry or opticians.
We all hope disabling illness will never happen to us or our families but if it does, it is good to know the TBF is here to offer practical help (and advice on State benefits).
We will ask you to complete either a Green Form for items costing under £500, or a Pink Form for items costing over £500. It is essential to return a medical recommendation showing a need for the medical item requested.
Transport Benevolent Fund CIO
Transport Benevolent Fund CIO known as TBF, is a registered charity in England and Wales, 1160901, and Scotland, SC047016.
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