Prescription Prepayment Certificates (PPCs) entitle the holder to obtain prescription medicines (for their own use only) without further charge during the period of validity of either three months or a year.
To qualify for the PPC, you will need to be on:
There are three ways to do this:
Unfortunately the TBF are unable to pay for PPCs directly to the NHS due to the applicant needing to purchase it from the NHS.
1. Request a BRONZE FORM from the TBF
We will post you a Bronze From: Request for payment for prescription prepayment certificate. Please complete the form in relation to the person applying for the PPC.
2. Get your GP to sign Bronze Form
Take your completed Bronze Form to your doctor to confirm:
3. Send us your Bronze Form & NHS confirmation email.
E-mail your completed Bronze Form and the email from the NHS with your certificate details on to [email protected] remembering to include your membership number address and date of birth.
As long as we are sure you will benefit from holding a PPC and that you are unlikely to be able to claim free prescriptions, we will pay the fee for the PPC. We will reimburse the amount paid. If your condition is a continuing one, we would prefer that you obtain a 12 month PPC rather than a three month one.
As a charity, we are sorry that we cannot pay any charges levied by doctors for completing our forms.
Please note that TBF cannot help towards PPCs purchased before becoming a member, determined by the valid from date being before the date you were entered on our system.
If so, and the timeframe that your GP has stated on your Bronze Form currently covers you (i.e. long term/ongoing), all that we would ask is for you to simply email us a copy of your new certificate details.
Transport Benevolent Fund CIO